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Community Outreach

Universities UK

ULodging is proud to support Universities UK International: in exploring ways to encourage and support students experience study abroad programs in both the U.S & UK through bilateral exchange. The UK’s national campaign is to double the percentage of UK-domiciled students who study, work or volunteer abroad during their degrees.

Annapolis Trust

ULodging provides financial support to the Annapolis Trust to provide “first in family” students with a scholarship to pursue post-secondary education in universities, community colleges and trade schools.

Gordonstoun International Summer School

For over fifteen years the partners of Ulodging in association with the Annapolis Trust have provided scholarships for two high school students to participate in the Gordonstoun International Summer School. in Scotland.

U.S Chamber of Commerce

In 2019, in association with the Annapolis Trust, Ulodging initiated an internship program with the FTC and U.S Chamber of Commerce. Two students from Bowie State University particpated in the Next-Gen Business Partnership which exposes minority students to new career opportunities; promotes entrepreneurship; and encourages knowledge sharing among academics, business leaders, and trade associations.

For parties intrested in establishing community outreach programs, please contact Reginald L Broddie, Director of Strategic Alliances & Partnerships at